Puerto Rico Cocktail Week

Puerto Rico Cocktail Week is a celebration of the local cocktail heritage with the best beaches, spirit brands, people and bars, coming all together to showcase the best flavors in town.

This project aims to make the local bartenders known and to market high cocktail establishments on the Island, around the world. Currently, Puerto Rico is considered one of the most important islands in the Caribbean and a destination that many people in the industry admire. We want to take the local bar culture to another level!

Industry seminars, guest bartender nights, pairing dinners, cocktail tours, special events and much more will be happening all week long.

This year, Manolo was invited to be the event’s host and moderator for the panels. This included presenting some of the most notable Latinx figures in the cocktail & spirits industry. Moderating talks on sustainability efforts with F&B industry leaders; Chef Martin Louzao [Cocina Abierta, Produce & Oriundo], Stephanie Monserrate [Guakia colectivo agroecológico & Jibara Kombucha], Sara Santos [Prole] and Glauco Rivera [El Patio de las Flores].

This celebration brought some of the best Latinx bartenders from around the world and San Juan was lit up with stars, as pop ups and takeovers took over the city.

San Juan, Puerto Rico


Photographer: Ovi Acevedo

Client: Puerto Rico Cocktail Week


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